Sustainable Water Infrastructure in New Mexico

Congratulations are in order for Roosevelt County Water Coop, Inc. as it nears completion of its project to modernize its aging water meter infrastructure system to improve customer service with accurate water usage, early leak detection, and access to water data in near real-time.

The Advanced Metering Infrastructure or “smart” water meter replacement will significantly improve operational efficiencies. The new water meters will remotely monitor and diagnose issues to help residents make informed decisions about their usage.

With the modern and durable technology, accurate billing and near real-time data will give residents greater understanding and control of their water consumption.

The Co-op utilized an innovative capital funding mechanism to fund AMI residential and commercial smart water meters through an Infrastructure as a Service® model which delivers major infrastructure with zero upfront cost.

Roosevelt County Water Coop, Inc. in turn pays operating costs while SP facilitates maintenance, replacements, and repairs in perpetuity, resulting in a reduction in Roosevelt County Water Coop’s long-term operating expenses and major upfront capital costs.


General Manager, Ursula Parker, commented “We are already being able to help our members save on water loss and help us better educate them on water conservation, which is crucial in our area. We are able to notify our members sooner of leaks, which will help with overall water consumption. As we near the completion and complete all training on the new system, we hope that we will eventually be able to locate system leaks sooner and be able to dispatch technicians to make repairs before the Co-op’s water loss is significant.”

Working with the Public Benefit Company, Sustainability Partners, the Co-op was able to procure and install the smart meters and has a maintenance plan in place for the long-term care of the new system.

About Sustainability Partners

Sustainability Partners LLC (“SP”) is a Public Benefit Company that invests in infrastructure for municipalities, universities, schools, hospitals, HOAs, ports and other durable entities. SP can pay 100% or be a match to federal and state grants to provide the necessary funding, project facilitation, and ongoing care to keep infrastructure reliable, safe and improving – forever.

Sustainability Partners’ core business is sustainability. The company reduces the environmental impact and general inefficiencies of old, inefficient, and costly infrastructure by replacing it with newer, cleaner, more efficient, and longer-lasting solutions. SP converts infrastructure to a monthly usage-based utility service, Infrastructure as a Service®, and keeps the infrastructure maintained and upgraded with embedded long-term support.